Alexis is just a little bit obsessed with stickers. She subscribes to the lovely Pipsticks service & occasionally lets her children use them! I wouldn't be surprised if she was to pull out an album of favourite stickers collected from over the years at some stage!
Anyway, Alexis's love of stickers has been the inspiration for this brand new range of invitations. We commissioned some illustrations from the lovely Teri, & played around with various layouts, formats & ideas for endless hours (mostly Alexis on the endless hours!). We needed to allow for 4 spaces / circular areas to house, yes you guessed it......the personalised stickers. Each of the stickers contains relevant information to include: the person having the party, the date & time, the location, & RSVP details.
This is a lovely way to involve a child in the party prepping stages. We thought long & hard about 'colouring in' invites as we wanted to focus on involvement from the child, but we know about attention spans from our own children, & decided that this sticker activity was a little bit different, & would hopefully captivate the child more successfully.
We decided to launch more themes than was first intended, so we hope we've ticked most of the boxes for now. Click here to take a look at the full range.
Meanwhile, here's a pick of our personal fact I'm actually wondering whether I might use the Tropical invites for my 40th next year!